Music at metro

Today i will talk about music hearing in public areas..such as metro-undergound in Athens.
Every body who lives in Athens knows that the metro system is very reliable, clean and something that bring us memories from other capital cities. Cities which have a metro net system since ages...Apart the convenience metro has brought to our everyday life, gave us the joy of listening good classical music waiting on platforms for the next train. That, for me was something unique and nice.Although, the classical music was something nice for the passengers i could say that most of them had some disagreement about this. Comments like "We're greeks and don't like classic music" or "I prefer greek folk music" were heard.
I liked being in the metro station and listeting to some good classical music, or even music from movies.Popular soundtracs and i was enjoying it alot. I could say, that music gave a feeling of something living in a "european style city". Made the train waiting easier...
But things change, especially in Greece change quite often.Thus, I've noticed, since a month or more ago the "Dj of the metro system" prefer greek music instead of classical. The true is that the music is very good (Theodorakis, Xatzidakis, etc classic greek composers) but the question is who decided for this change and although i like these composers for me is a matter of thinking. What does this change mean? Means that we all greeks do not like classical music? Are not familiar with this kind of music? Prefer the domestic products instead of abroad? Means something more? Accept or not the foreign music?
For me, the music of the greek composers is nice, easy listening and i guess most of the passengers know these songs. But, why not playing classic music as well? Besides the greek music is played from almost every radio station in Athens. Please, let us to enjoy at least, the minutes we're at metro station, the classic music.
Also, Mr Dj...don't play the same CD's again and again. There are plenty of them in the market.
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