Olive trees

This period I'm really busy with the data analysis of e-metrics and there is no free time for many things to do. But, last Thursday i went to Amaliada(Eleni's birth place) in order to help my father in law to crop the olives. It's time for making our home made oil.
It was my first time i did such a thing and the experience was very good. Started on Friday ending on Sunday. Every morning at 7a.m till 5 p.m. I can tell you that its not an easy process to crop olives and experience is always helpfull. Beside me and my father in law, we had the help (paid help of course) of three other men - albanian ones. One of them was really good, the other was ok and the third tried to do his best but wasn't enough:)))
Any way, we made our olive oil for this year and the feeling is nice, knowing that this is made by our hands. The rantezvous now is at the same place next year.
Forgot to mention, this afternoom i will go to ERT.tv to make the reportaz for the results of e-metrics.It will be shown on national tv, at NEWS at 9p.m.Some of my friends already laughing for this... We'll see...
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