Mass entairtenment

Saturday night we went to see the play "Mysteries or where is the joke" at "Under the bridge "theater. A friend of us, Vaggelis liodakis plays the main role and it was a good chance to see him. The play was good, young actors, women and men work together in a theatrical team. I liked the story, messages passed and i could say was a 2 hours enjoyable performance. Must be seen...that's the nice part of our saturday night.
Then we decided to go at Psiri area,(a place full od bars and clubs) to get in a bar for a drink. It's carnacal period and we wanted to have some fun. As an idea was nice as an act difficult to happen. All main city roads were full of cars, the traffic unbelievable and after 1 hour about 12.30 we were at Psiri area. A new problem arised: the game of parking the car. I tried, i tried alot, making the cycling way, passing and passing again from same roads and places, following other cars, which their drivers tried to park as well. We had the same idea. But was just an idea...
Psiri was too crowded and unforunatelly(?) i didn't manage to park the car. Time was about 1.30am. I left, went back to home and i think was the best i did.
I usually don't like visiting such a busy places. I prefer places where are uknown for most of the people, places out of fashion. I'm not trendy!But last Saturday i made a mistake. I tried to be in fashion and as a result i "failed".Well, I'm not too old i'm not too young. But, where all these thousands of people go at Psiri?
The place is awful, dirty and there is nothing to see.Only bars and bars. No colour, no feeling. Before, Psirri become a place for nightlife was a traditional area at Athens center. Nothing important but a least it had a colour. Now what? All the are is full of bars. Althoug some of them are nice, are so crowded you can't enjoy them.
I want the development of an area but not in such a way. Unless, development means making the whole area, all the old buildings bars and bars. That's another story.
I also get wondered about people's reaction. How well advertisiment work and make people go at mass entairtenment places.I'm trying to react in such attemptions but it's not easy. Propaganda always work well.
i don't want become another mass distraction victim. I try...besides mass means no uniqueness and each people is somenthing unique.
I was there on Saturday night. Iam unlucky that i did not see you... Hope next time at psiri or somewhere else....
κατερίνα, you still insist on defending greek language. I agree, is the best langouage to describe and talk about but for reasons I've already mentioned, posts are written in english.
As far my englsih skils like being improved.
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