Eurovision contest

Tonight, Greek tv viewers will vote which of the 4 songs Anna Vissi will sing at the final on 20th May. People at ERT, expecting to keep viewers interesting on high levels. They have last year’s experience which gave them high figures at tv audience measurement.
But, what is this about? What is this contest about? Who gain from this? Supposed it should be a contest for young singers from all over Europe represent their country. This means, each county’s song should be in their language. As it was some years ago. But, now, almost all of the singers (even from ex Soviet Union countries) sing in English.
There are many people, behind its competent country, which gain a lot of money. That’s not bad. The bad is when, disco graphic companies works only for gaining money and using country’s budget for increasing their singer value. They care only for advertising the singer, promotion him/her abroad and having as a purpose to sell more CD’s.
Anna Vissi is well famous singer in Greece. That’s enough. Why is she interested for the contest? Only for selling CD’s abroad, in other countries. In my eyes, she looks tired and she is not interested at all for the contest it self. She looks like does it under pressure. She doesn’t care and all we pay her. As about the 4 songs…I think (heard a little) they’re really…bad! Maybe 3 of them are good for another Opa-Opa tsiftetel CD's.
At least on 20th of May, Menounos will be on stage.
όλο αυτό το πανηγύρι είναι μέρος, δυστυχώς, της Εθνικής μας παθογένειας και της επίκτητης ανάγκης μας για αναγνώριση από τους ξένους.
Καθ’ ότι λαός με πάθη, όπερ σημαίνει ότι τώρα παθιαζόμαστε αλλά αύριο θα το βαρεθούμε και θα καταπιαστούμε με κάποιο άλλο υψηλότερο «ιδανικό», είμαι σίγουρος ότι Eurovision είναι θα περάσει...
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