Greek higher education

This morning I read at newspapers that the greek ministry of national education and religious affairs announced the number of entry students at greek univerisities. 83.268 instead of 81.267 last year's. This means that about 8 to 10 high school students will entry at universities.It's a big number.
Ten years and more ago, the proposition was much different and was very difficult to get in a university. Depended on the univeristy school, the propositon in some of the them was 1 to 5 or 6. Extremely difficult to pass the exams. Even for the lest compatitive univerisites, the proposition wasn't much better. The dream of every young student was to pass the national exams. To get in a Univerisity, any university. To make the whole "family pround" of daughter's/son's succed. Still, this perception exists but not like the old ages.
Times changed and nowadays, almost every city in Greece has a University. The slogan of all political parties was "in every village open a university school". The local society and local politicians work on this theory. They care only for their citizens profit. Nothing more. All these, behave to students like being "money sources". They all want universities to their citites for reasons such as, renting their houses, making clubs and bars, and gaining money form students. They don't interested if there is a good library for the student, if there is a univeristy campus, if there are professors to teach or even if there are properly buildings.They all only want:"Bring us Universities". Unfortunatelly, the government(each government the last 15 years) follw this policy. The result: thousands of students without professional future.Apart some high universities schools, most of the others produce future unemployment people.
Is that the education we want? I agree, all people can have access to higher education but under some circumstances. We cant't base higher education on making university in every city and we can't change the exams system every 2-3 years. Maybe, we have to follow some of other European countries exam systems. They are not always "stuped", as the old greek myth says.
Δυστυχώς πάντα υπάρχει απόσταση μεταξύ του τι θέλω και τι είμαι.Τα πτυχία καλά είναι αλλά για το κατά πόσο μετράνε στην επαγγελματική σταδιοδρομία είναι άλλο θέμα. Σύγουρα βοηθάνε στο να δημιουργούν καλύτερα μυαλά...
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Το όνειρο είναι κάτι που ανήκει στη σφαίρα του φαντασιακού.Επομένως και το να ζεις, ίσως "ονειρεμένα", μήπως ανήκει σε άλλο επίπεδο? Πάντος, προσπαθώ ότι έχω ονειρευτεί και επιθυμήσει, πράγματα και καταστάσεις ιδεατές, να τις πλησιάσω. Ο δρόμος μακρύς και δύσκολος. Αλλά μ' αρέσουν τα δύσκολα.
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