Pasta elections

Italian citizen vote for their new government and they vote Romano Pronti as a new Prime minister.Italy's centre-left leader Romano Prodi says he has won the right to become the country's prime minister following a narrow victory in the general election. From the other side, Silvio Berlusconi says his centre-right part is the winner and votes should be count again. A big story just started.Don't forget we had seen the same play in Florida, some years ago.
Latest results give Mr Prodi's bloc 49.8% against 49.7% for the ruling centre-right in the lower house. It's a small differnce and evethough Prodi's part won the elections, as journalists say, in Italy elections will be announced again in the near future.
Silvio seems very unhappy with the final results, evethough he knew from gallups that this time, the results would be balanced. Unfortunatelly for him and his part, he didn't manage to persuade italian to reelect him. The question now is, that Romano Pronti has to do many things and change alot in order to make Italy a powerful economic country, as Italy was some years ago. Issues such as unemployment, health system and even the italian troops at Iraq are some of the major issues the new government will face.
Besides all these, the elections results showed that in modern societies 2 are the main political parties in every country and because the differences between these 2 parts and the ideologial differences are too small, societies are split in two.
The aim of elections is to unify the society and not to divide it.
Δημήτρη, οι εκλογές αυτές είναι πρόκριμα για αυτά που θα δούμε στο μέλλον και στις υπόλοιπες Ευρωπαϊκές, κι όχι μόνο, χώρες
Ο δικοματισμός κυριαρχεί παντού. Το ουσιαστικό είναι όμως να υπάρχει ιδεολογική διαφορά και όχι απλά "αναμάσημα" των ίδιων πολιτικών.
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