La Veranda

Seems that summer is coming. After some cold days, especially evenings, the weather is balanced and warm days are ahead. That, means, enjoying the veranda at home.
During winder, we like seating next to open fire but now,as a typical greek, we like enjoying our veranta. I have to refresh the wooden chair and table with some tick-oil (i will do it this weekend) and then Eleni to decorate the place-veranda. Some candles around the table and one on it. I trust her...There is also one small wooden sofa, which is really comfortable and you can sleep there all night, looking the summer moon. I like having my dinner out, in veranda or drinking a nice fruit based cocktail. It's a taste and even more it's an escape from daily, bored things.
Besides, we make the preparations for her nameday, as every year some good friends and lovely persons come to home. Following the english way... "ladies and gentlemen :Dinner is served".
Ναι Δημήτρη, στη βεράντα το καλοκαίρι είναι πανέμορφα, είμαι τυχερός που έχω πολύ βεράντα στο σπίτι και την απολαμβάνω κι εγώ, όπως κι εσύ
Aπό Καναπεδάτους το χειμώνα, μας βλέπω να μεταμορφωνόμαστε σε Βεραντάτους. Σαν τα εποχιακά είδη και εμείς.
άστα...από καρέκλα σε καρέκλα κι από σεζ λονγκ σε σεζ λόνγκ!
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