
After 2 weeks i found some time to update my blog.In fact, i came back to Athens last Friday but i was still on vacation so i left everything behind and also I was a bit lazy.I confess.
I had a great time during me Easter vacations through I spent some days to Peloponissos and on Sunday (Easter) i was in Agrinio. All the family-a together,celebrated the Orthox Easter, ate alot, sung alot and laugh alot as well.As about songs, its a tradition after a ending the festive launch, we sing all together the family; starting from folclor greek songs to popular, rebetica songs. As i know, many people in my place do the same. I like it, when the whole family participate. Athens on 1st of May, we went at Marathona lake and spent the day having a Pic-Nic, reminding me and Eleni, the days back when we were doing the same in London.We read some newspapers, talked alot, ate some nice homemade delicatessen food and really we enjoyed it, eventhough the weather wasn't so good.
Back to office on Tuesday trying to get comfortable and trying to answer at about 200 e-mails.I was lucky, some of them were spam mails.
This weekend we have to do some home work and i mean start making preparations about Eleni's nameday. That's a reason i love this month, May. Thanks to Eleni!
Tην Ελένην και μία καλύβην! Πολύ χαίρομαι να ακούω τους άνδρες να μην ντρέπονται να δείξουν αισθήματα, να τιμούν τη σύντροφό τους!
Πάντα αγαπημένοι Δημήτρη, ο γάμος κτίζεται, με αγάπη και υπομονή.
Ο έρως και ο βήχας δεν κρύβονται.
Επομένως, ας το απολαμβάνουμε.
Το όνομα Ελένη είναι από τα πιο αγαπημένα μου.
Να την χαίρεσαι και να σε χαίρεται Δημήτρη. Να είστε καλά να αγαπιέστε πάντα. :-)
mindstripper, στα ωραία σου λόγια, θα ήθελα απλά να πω ένα Ευχαριστώ.
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