Looking for EFFIE

Yesterday, all the media - advertising agencies, research companies and of course the clients of these companies had their own event at Megaro of Mousikis. It was the ceremony for EFFIE Awards. It takes place every two years and supposed the award is given to the best adcampaign.
From 12.30 to 16.30 there was the EFFIE seminar in which some global case studies were presented. 5 in total but the best was the one presenting the campaign of a beer called "Rheingold", lunched in New York market. The guy who made the presentation was really good in comparison with some of the others who was at least terrible. At 17.30 begun the main event the EFFIE awards, stayed till 18.30 and was enough. I saw what i needed to see.Prefered going home instead of staying there.Maybe next time...stay more.
Ήσουν και εσύ στη γειτονιά τότε! Μήπως είδες και τα.. γελάδια που μας κουβάλησαν (σαν βόδια που είμαστε να συναγελαστούμε) ;
"Τέτοια βόδια που είμαστε τέτοιες αγελάδες μας φέρανε". Επανέρχεται εδώ το αιώνιο ερώτημα: Τι είναι τέχνη; Ποιος ορίζει ότι "αυτό" είναι τέχνη;
Μου κάνει εντύπωση που ακόμα παραμένουν στη θέση τους...και ακόμα να τρελένεσαι βλέποντας τους τουρίστες να φωτογραφίζονται με φόντο την αγελάδα στο Σύνταγμα. Οι αγελάδες ανταγωνίζονται τους τσολιάδες. Που πάμε ρε...
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